Our Flight
At Carti you an only depart from runway 02, towards the end of the runway on the left side there is a hut and a parking area. From here people catch the small boats to the islands. If we don’t manage to take off our plane will be ditched on the beach so tie everything up and fasten your seatbelts (or perhaps leave them unattached to exit quickly :-)
Then we turned left again, this time heading 265 direct towards Colon city airport. At some point near Colon I got the Madden/Alajuela Lake on the left as seen on the screenshot. This lake provides water for the Panama canal as well as fresh water for the cities of Colon and Panama. This was a westbound VFR flight so I filed a cruise altitude of 6500 feet. For the most part it was a smooth ride on this small airplane.
Along this route there were no high mountains because I was already relatively near the city. I descended a bit more to get under the clouds, at least the worst ones. There was no rain (yes, flight simulator can do that too!).
For the initial approach overflew the airport at Colon city and then turned right into the sea. Ehem, keeping sufficient altitude as I didn’t want to end up in the water with this storm. I basically flew like a drop pattern, first into the sea and then turning right again towards the coast.
I set my flaps down as the speed was lowered for the approach and started aligning to the runway. I was going to land on runway 18 from the sea, it is 5528 feet long in FSX. On our final approach we would first overfly the FNC VOR prior to reaching the runway threshold.
Visibility was a bit poor but still doable. The landing was smooth and at this lower altitude there was not much turbulence to fight. I had more problems with the communications due to my PC acting up, I had to go offline because the Teamspeak application stopped responding and I could not communicate with ATC without exiting FSX to type a text message. It was a fun flight in a small aircraft with a bit of challenging conditions.
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