Cruise Alt.: 6,000’
Fuel Used: 175 lbs.
Distance: 45nm
Aircraft: (FeelThere/Aerosoft) Twin Otter DHC6-300 / modern
Livery: Air Panama
Flight Nr.: PST610
Departure: OTD @ 10:00
Destination: MPMG @ 10:30
In heavy rain took off from rwy 17 climbing and then turning right to intercept TBG radial 288. There was poor visibility and quite some tumbling on the way. Then passed TBG VOR and
The picture on the left was taken during the short finals of this nice inagural flight, I only missed the GPWS (50, 40…) heavy rain still overpowering the country. Landed on time and at –116 ft/min, taxied to the ramp and closed the flight plan.
Actually just when was approaching TBG VOR I noticed that the two Dutch guys (flying online on IVAO) were still occupying the runway. I had indicated my intentions and told that I was going to hold in TBG @ 3,500 feet until they had taken off. I did one circuit on TBG while they departed from rwy. 18 and then I landed on rwy. 36. It is nice when you get to practice these manoeuvres online.
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