Friday, 27 July 2012

Testing scenery for Panama (San Blas X)

I am testing scenery of Panama for FSX made by Lord of Wings Flight Simulation. This is in fact pretty exciting though it is repetitive work but well, it helps sharpening virtual flying skills.

Panama is a country that has long been neglected in Microsoft Flight Simulator by both the scenery makers (freeware) and the payware scenery makers, that is until Lord of Wings Flight Simulation.

They have several parts in progress all under the name “Panama Lite X” and by “lite” they mean you must not expect scenery like ORBX and the like where they have volumetric grass and stuff like that. I myself find that an overkill, you are there to fly either VFR or IFR not to do plane spotting. The Panama Lite X scenery is lightweight:

  • Corrects coastlines
  • Uses a better elevation mesh
  • Corrects the vegetation. If you want to correct the vegetation on parts of Panama not covered by Panama Lite X, I can recommend the XClass South America landclass add-on (payware).
  • Corrects navaids such as NDBs, VORs and VOR/DMEs.
  • Adds visual queues such as river mouths and others that are useful for VFR and are totally missing in the default scenery.
  • Whenever possible even the airport terminal is modelled in 3D.
  • Corrects regional airfields of Panama (other than MPHO, MPMG and MPTO) that are present in FSX.
  • Adds a lot of regional airfields that exist in real life but are not present in FSX. This adds a lot of exciting short-runway airfields as well as several (short) island airfields.

The Azuero X component is nearly finished and you can see some videos of it at the Lord of Wings Flight Simulation You Tube channel. As for myself I am currently testing the San Blas X add-on component of Panama Lite X. It has the following airports under test (more to be added):

  • Puerto Obaldia
  • Carti
  • El Porvenir
  • Rio Sidra
  • Playón Chico

This of course as time permits because LoW FS is a one-man team. I am pretty sure when it becomes available many people will be excited even if it is not a high-end detail scenery like ORBX.

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